









In this section you can find information on how our project for the realization of the MB 339 A PAN has developed, from the first steps of drawing and animation, through careful work always aimed at developing new details and perfecting the graphic and avionic characteristics. and flight envelope. You will also find videos related to tests and verifications.

MB 339 A First Release Ready

2020/08/16\\ News Category

Wellcome to the our first product. We are very excited to present to you the Alenia Aermacchi MB339. One of the most important trainer of the world. Through Early access it is possible to purchase and use our product, currently 90% complete compared to the final development. Those who join our early access form also have the opportunity to contribute to the development, provided, if want, feedback and suggestions to programmers, also given access to special content. Join our MB339 A / PAN project

Who we are

2020\02/02 News



The Flying Quixote Team is made up of developers, coordinators, programmers but, above all, ARTISTS who work hard to achieve that goal that haunts all simulation software enthusiasts: the highest level of realism possible. And "possible" is nothing more than the limit of that bar that we move a little further every day ... The high profile of our software can only be achieved within well-defined business dynamics but, despite this, we have decided to undertake this adventure driven by your own passion and with a great desire to share the experience of our ADD ONs with as many people as possible. 

Happy New Year

2020\01/02 News


Buon anno a tutti i sognatori come noi :

"A tutti quelli che parlano al vento.

Ai pazzi per amore, ai visionari

a coloro che darebbero la vita per realizzare un sogno.

Ai reietti, ai respinti, agli esclusi.

Ai folli veri o presunti.

Agli uomini di cuore

A coloro che si ostinano a credere nel sentimento puro.

A tutti quelli che ancora si commuovono.

Un omaggio ai grandi slanci, alle idee e ai sogni.

A chi non si arrende mai, a chi viene deriso e giudicato.

Ai poeti del quotidiano.

Ai "vincibili" dunque, e anche

agli sconfitti che sono pronti a risorgere e a combattere di nuovo.

Agli eroi dimenticati e ai vagabondi.

A chi non ha paura di dire quello che pensa.

A tutti i cavalieri erranti.

A chi ha fatto il giro del mondo e a chi un giorno lo farà."

(Miguel de Cervantes - da “Don Chisciotte”


FQ MB 339 A PAN P3d Trailer.

2020/08/12 \\ Corporate video

Erect Spin Final.Video

2019/03/09 \\ Technical Category

Test Glass Video

2019/05/04 \\ Thchnical Category

Tecniche di rilassamento.

2019/11/16 \\ News Category

Long Range Cruise

2019/05/09 \\ News Category

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