FQ Projects





The Flying Quixote project was born with the ambitious target to represent a novelty in the scene about development of additional component for flight simulators.

The fundamental peculiarities of our products will be two:

The first is the preference for the TRAINING aspect of the simulation.
It is our intention in fact to create mainly training and breeding aircraft in the more specific aspects of their training program. This is because we think that no flying vehicle is better than a captivating trainer to approach the passionate pilot, even though virtual, all the fascinating but complex world of flight.
Obviously when we talk about trainers it will also refer to the operational conversion versions of the first line Jets and this will allow us to reproduce the two-seater versions of high-performance aircraft such as the F-104 Starfighter or the G91-T.
We will try to replicate even the most sophisticated on-board systems and the entire flight envelope, including emergencies and test flights, related to each aircraft that we make, from written documentation instructions.













The second, no less important aspect is represented by the MODULAR approach that we will have with our products. In fact, whoever buys each of them will not just pay for an aircraft and that's it but will have access to a real development program which, as in the case of real aircraft, over the months following the first version and to be registered monthly or bimonthly continuous updates, fixes or increases in functionality, training missions, scenarios, shooting ranges and the offer, even experimental, actually made on the real aircraft and which are free of charge connected via mailing list to all those who have purchased the first time.

So missing or defective, these will be implemented and fixed in the short term from version one. The basic and fundamental functionality of the aircraft will obviously be present immediately in the basic package, those we are talking about are emergencies, objects on the ground, scenarios, polygons and everything else that normally takes place in a "nice to have" compared to the basic functionality of the product .

Call us: +39 3284198160

Email us: info@flyingquixote.it

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Mailing Adress:

Via del Mandrione 109

00181 Roma - Italy